FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Egyptian National Alliance Releases Joint Letter, Urging U.S. Deputy Secretary of State to Test Egyptian Regime’s Claim to Hold Transparent Presidential Elections Amidst Increasing Human Rights Violations

March 10, 2022

(Washington, D.C.) United States Deputy Secretary of State Wendy Sherman is scheduled to visit Cairo, Egypt on March 10-11, 2022 to meet with Foreign Minister Sameh Shoukry during the visit, she will also meet with the President of the National Council for Human Rights Moushira Khattab, and she will host a discussion session with Egyptian human rights activists.

Egyptian National Alliance has urged Ms. Sherman in a letter to take the opportunity during her visit to test the seriousness of the Egyptian regime’s claims to the possibility of holding transparent presidential elections if the necessary funds are available. In addition, Egyptian National Alliance has challenged el-Sisi to open the door for public donations to finance a presidential election, but he will not comply because of his fear of the outcome of holding such an election.

Furthermore, Egyptian National Alliance has also warned Ms. Sherman, in the same letter, of the possibility that the Egyptian regime is misleading her by arranging mock visits to prisons to interview prisoners who were carefully selected by the regime and told what to say in order to conceal the regime’s crimes against humanity and its responsibility for the deaths of thousands of Egyptians.

Egyptian National Alliance has instead advised Deputy Secretary Sherman to meet with the unlawfully detained Speaker of Parliament Dr. Saad Al-Katatni, the former presidential candidate, Dr. Abdel Moneim Aboul Fotouh, the former head of the Auditing Authority, Counselor Hisham Geneina, the leftist activist Haitham Mohamadin, the activist Alaa Abdel Fattah, and the human rights activist Ms. Hoda Abdel Moneim to hear their true stories about the Egyptian regime’s human rights violations.

Please see attached letter below for further details on the letter Egyptian National Alliance has sent to United States Deputy Secretary of State Sherman.