Help Egyptians Rise From The Ashes This Ramadan

From all of us at CEAD USA, we wish you and your loved ones a blessed Ramadan. And we invite you to join us in helping Egyptians rise from the ashes with your zakat this year.

It has been five long years since freedom and democracy were stolen away in Egypt by a violent military coup on July 3, 2013 led by General Abdel Fattah el-Sisi. Since then, Egyptian families have been oppressed economically, repressed politically, and even torn apart by loved ones being arrested, kidnapped, tortured, and even executed for their steadfast commitment to freedom and democracy in Egypt.
CEAD USA has been working diligently through conferences, media appearances, communications outreach, lobbying, and other opportunities to raise the profile of the Egyptian case and facilitate dialogue between Egyptians and Americans about leveraging U.S. foreign aid to once and for all end the increasing human rights atrocities we have witnessed in Egypt since the military coup and help the Egyptian people restore their civilian-led democracy once again.

This Ramadan, you can help Egyptians rise from the ashes.

Help us raise the profile of the Egyptian human rights case.

Help us foster dialogue between Egyptians and Americans about leveraging the unconditional, unmonitored U.S. foreign aid that empowers the current military regime to maintain their power and commit human rights violations against Egyptian men, women, and even children.

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